factors influencing strategy implementation in community based organizations in seme sub - county, kenya


Today’s organizational environment has become very competitive, increasingly uncertain and fast changing and hence, organizations need to plan and be flexible enough to accommodate the ever changing environment. Due to that constant change, organizations need to adapt so as to strategically exploit emerging opportunities to ensure survival and success. Strategy implementation is a process of implementing policies, programs and action plans that allows a firm to utilize its resources to take advantage of opportunities in the competitive environment. The implementation of the strategy in the CBOs depends on various factors which include; weather conditions, funds, organization structure, interests of members and communication. The study examined the factors affecting strategy implementation in Seme Sub County. To do this, the study obtained for views from 23 registered CBOs which are implementing strategic plans, on the factors influencing strategy implementation. Data was collected from the chairpersons of the CBOs using semi structured questionnaires which consisted of structured open and closed ended questions designed to get specific responses. It was established that there were three factors that explained 55.215% of the total variance of factors influencing strategy implementation. They include: human resource contribution factor, the information factor and culture and resource factor. Human resource contribution had the variables coordination and implementation of activities, monitoring, planning, coordination and sharing of the responsibilities, provision of leadership and direction provided by the management committee and implementation of the strategy. Culture and resource factor because it has two variable talking about culture and adequacy of factors. Information factor, talked about communication being done through organized meetings, information being passed through word of mouth and information being passed through memos to all members. The study recommends that the organisations should optimize the contribution of human resource in the strategy implementation by enhancing coordination and implementation of activities, improving monitoring, planning, provision of leadership and direction by the management committee and Implementation of the strategy. These were the human resource factors that this study found to contribute to strategy implementation. The study also recommends that the organisations should optimize the resources used in strategy implementation or acquire more resources. The study also recommends the organisations adopt culture that supports strategy implementation. These were found to have a positive influence on strategy implementation. Lastly, the study recommends that there needs to be improved communication to coordinate the strategy implementation process. This can be done through meetings, emails, memos or notices. The study was also limited to Seme Sub County and as such the study did not explore strategy implementation in other parts of the county. The study suggests that in future a study needs to be done to assess the relationship between the factors and performance of the strategies. The study suggests that future researchers should do a follow up study in future to assess whether there are new developing factors affecting strategy implementation or to assess the state of the current factors in future.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013


Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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