influence of employee beefits of employee performance at btitam insurance company kenya


Employee performance is crucial to organizational success. Globally, two-thirds of employees (67%) are demotivated, this means they put in the time at work, but also minimal effort. Further, 8% of the global workforce are actively demotivated, this means they are openly resentful of their company while at work and that their workplace needs are not being met. The purpose of the study was to determine how employee benefits at Kenya's Britam Insurance Company affected workers' performance company. The employees at Britam Company were targeted. According to the human resource manager, the company has 424 employees in the different departments in the organization. Hence, the study population was 424 employees from accounting, marketing, human resource, customer service, information technology, underwriting and legal departments. The Yamane formula was used to determine the study sample size. 206 employees were randomly chosen from the sample. In this investigation, primary data were utilized. Data collected in the field was edited, cleaned, and coded. The SPSS version 23.0 and an excel spreadsheet were used to examine the data. The descriptive statistics frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviation were used to analyze the quantitative data. Visual representations of the data were created using tables, graphs, and pie charts. Regression analysis was employed by the Britam Insurance Company in Kenya to determine how employee benefits affected performance. The data were presented in tables. The study found a positive and significant relationship between employee incentives at Kenya's Britam Insurance Company and job performance. . Therefore, an increase in employee perks would result in better work output for Kenya's Britam Insurance Company. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the management of Britam insurance company should continue extending employee retirement plan to enhance their productivity. The management of Britam insurance company should ensure housing allowance plans are continuously implemented to help employees have decent homes.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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