the influence of interpersonal communication on the adoption of covid-19 preventive health behaviors among youths in informal settlements: the case of majengo slums, nairobi


This study sought to analyze the influence of interpersonal communication on the adoption of Covid-19 preventive health behaviors among youths in informal settlements. Since the first case of Covid-19 was reported in the country in March 2020, over 5,600 people have died of the disease, another over 300,000 infected and billions of shillings worth of trade and jobs lost due to the pandemic. Despite efforts by the government and development agencies to get people to adhere to preventive measures many, especially in informal settlements did not. Literature suggests that social norms and other factors that determine behavior adoption can be influenced by interpersonal communication. This study, therefore sought to determine the factors which influenced interpersonal communication on the adoption of Covid-19 preventive health behaviors among youths in informal settlements, analyze the relationship between interpersonal communication with family, friends, work colleagues, and community health volunteers and the adoption of Covid-19 preventive health behaviors among the youths, and analyze the relationship between the nature of interpersonal communication and the adoption of Covid-19 preventive behaviors among youths in informal settlements. Perceived own comprehension of the preventive behavior, perceived comprehension of the preventive behavior by others, among others, emerged as important factors influencing interpersonal communication on the adoption of Covid-19 preventive behaviors among the youths. Interpersonal communication with family, friends, work colleagues, and Community Health Volunteers was found to influence the adoption of preventive behaviors positively in that it increases the perception of the virus as a threat and makes the youths feel more susceptible to the virus. Threatening and rebuking the youths when discussing Covid-19 preventive behaviors was found to be counterproductive. The study recommends that interpersonal communication be utilized more in tackling Covid-19 in informal settlements. Key words: Covid-19, Preventive health behavior, interpersonal communication


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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