project management practices and uptake of linda mama services in kirinyaga county, kenya


Linda Mama provides a package of basic health services accessed by all in the targeted population on the basis of need and not ability to pay, positioning Kenya on the pathway to Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Linda mama's goal is to "Achieve universal cases to maternal and child health services and contribute to the country's progress towards UHC" Despite its considerable success Linda Mama has still faced a number of challenges. However existing studies have not examined project management practices and uptake of Linda mama services. In light of these contextual gaps, this study aimed to assess the influence of project management practices on Linda Mama services uptake in Kirinyaga County. The purpose of the study was to investigate the project management practices and uptake of Linda mama services in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Specifically, the objectives were to assess the influence of project initiation process on the uptake of Linda Mama services in Kirinyaga County, to establish the influence of project planning process on uptake of Linda Mama services in Kirinyaga County, to establish the influence of project implementation process on the uptake of Linda Mama services in Kirinyaga County. The study was conducted in Kirinyaga County. The study adopted descriptive research design and targeted 293 respondents (112health workers and senior managers and 191 pregnant mothers and nursing mothers) in Kirinyaga County as its target population. Non probability sampling that included convenience and probability sampling was used to select respondents. Using structured questionnaires, data was gathered from primary sources. Descriptive statistics (mean and frequencies) and subsequently inferential statistics (ANOVA)were used to analyze data collected. The study findings from the health workers data revealed that project initiation (β=0.298, p=0.02), project planning (β=0.623, p=0.001), and project implementation (β=0.129, p=0.032) have statistical significant relationship with uptake of Linda Mama. The study findings from the pregnant and nursing mothers also indicated that project initiation (β=0.422, p=0.02), project planning (β=0.303, p=0.036), and project implementation (β=0.118, p=0.000) have statistical significant relationship with uptake of Linda Mama. The study concluded that project initiation, project planning and project implementation influences uptake of Linda mama. The study recommended that the government should give prioritization of project management in uptake of Linda Mama Services. The study contributes to enhancing maternal policy in Kenya and knowledge on effectiveness of maternal programmes in developing countries.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: reagan lax


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