factors affecting enrolment and performance in physics among secondary school students in masaba north sub county in nyamira county


The aim of the study was to investigate the factors impacting the enrolment and performance in physics among secondary school students in Masaba North Sub County in Nyamira County. Stratified random sampling method was used in this study from which members of every stratum had an equal chance of selection. A representative sample of 50 participants was selected from the total population of 450 people that include academic staff, middle staff and support staff members as well as students. A qualitative research design was applied in the research where both primary and secondary data was collected. Self-administered semi-structured questionnaires were used in data collection while frequency tables were used in data presentation. Frequency distribution tables were then applied in the analysis of every qualitative data gathered. The respondents studied aged between 15 and 25 years were twenty, while those aged 25 to 35 years were ten. Five of the sampled participants were aged between 35 and 45 years and another five between 45 and 55 years. Similarly, 25 participants acknowledged that the department directed messages to the respective audiences while 10 of them explained that department never directed messages to the relevant target group. From the study 26 participants agreed that the best communication channels were used while 4 of them did not believe on the perspective. 25 of the studied respondents disagreed with the observation that communication barriers might have been causing poor communication with 5 of them believed that it was a significant causation. It was recommendation organizations develop communication strategies to guide messages, the respective audience, medium used and the feedback given. An organization has to remain conscious of every challenge faced in communication and work towards reducing its impacts by constantly checking and understanding through the feedback offered. Online engagements have become the behavior of many people regardless of their age and background with the search of new media for information and socializing purposes being core. The researcher recommends future studies to be conducted with the aim of exploiting the application of effective communication approaches as public relational tools. Communication has been observed as an essential organizational practice regardless of their size.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: reagan lax


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