mainstreaming early childhood education and its influence on internal efficiency in public primary schools in embu county, kenya


Education is the most robust devise that aid in advancement of human capital vital for economic development and growth. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating how mainstreaming of early childhood education influences internal efficiency in public primary schools in Embu County, Kenya. The study was guided by the ensuing objectives, namely; To determine the status of physical infrastructure; establish how teacher professional qualifications; examine ways in which provision of Early Childhood instructional materials and explore how pupil-teacher ratio in Early Childhood Education influences internal efficiency in public primary schools. The study adopted a correlational research design to assess the influence of mainstreaming Early Childhood and Education on internal efficiency in Embu County public primary schools. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select respondents for the study. The study used questionnaires, document analysis guide and observation schedule as instruments for collecting data for the purpose of triangulation. Quantitative data was analyzed by utilization of statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) by generating descriptive and inferential statistics. While qualitative data was analyzed using themes. Data was presented using percentages, frequencies, standard deviation, mean and inferential statistics. The study findings showed a positive correlation between physical infrastructure in Early Childhood Education and internal efficiency in public primary schools (r = .653, n = 37, p< .05). There is positive correlation between teacher professional qualification in ECE and internal efficiency in public primary schools (r = .672, n = 37, p< .05). There is a positive correlation between ECE instructional materials and internal efficiency in public primary schools (r = .703, n = 37, p< .01). The study concluded that there is a positive correlation amid physical facilities and internal efficiency indicators such as participation rates. There is a positive correlation between teacher professional qualification and internal efficiency, especially promotion rates. There is a positive correlation between instructional materials and internal efficiency indicators of participation rates. The availability of instructional materials positively influences participation rates in Early Childhood Education. The researcher therefore recommends that more physical facilities should be provided by the county government which is mandated to manage Early Childhood Education. The county governments in partnership with parents and headteachers should employ more pre-primary teachers for purposes of successful transition.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: nkwanzi shibba bariyo


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