evaluation and forecasting of hydrological drought using streamflow drought index and surface water supply index in malewa river catchment, kenya


Hydrological drought is a reduction in precipitation leading to water’ decline under a characterized threshold level over an extended period. This causes reduction and drying up of waterbodies. Hydrological drought onset and progress unnoticeably, and slowly, yet its impacts are cumulative and devastating leading to water shortage, environmental debasement, losses of agricultural production, famine and food crisis. Lake Naivasha Basin it affected by anthropogenic stressors such as loss of wetlands and water abstraction with Malewa River flow fluctuating, leading to decrease in the flow regime and scarcity of water in dry season portending the start of hydrological drought in the Malewa River catchment.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: Egerton University

Contributed by: henrykasozi


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