stakeholder involvement in the strategic mangement process in health based non-governmental organizations in nairobi county, kenya


The aim of this study was to establish the extent of stakeholder involvement in the strategic management process in health-based non-governmental organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study had two objectives: to determine the extent of stakeholder involvement in the strategic management process of the health-based NGOs in Nairobi County and to establish factors influencing the stakeholder’s involvement in the strategic management process of NGOs in Nairobi County. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design and data were collected from 83 Non-Governmental Organizations in Nairobi through structured questionnaires. Frequencies and percentages as well as factor analysis were used in analysing the data. The findings reveal that health-based nongovernmental organizations in Nairobi engage stakeholders to a great extent before any decisions or policies are made but they do not involve them in assessment of the strategic manegement process. The study also revealed that there are various factors that influnce the extent of stakeholder involvement. the factors that greatly influence stakeholder involvement in the strategic management process include: it is a legal requirement expert knowledge of a stakeholder group; and the authority held by a stakeholder to the success of an activity. In conclusion, the health-based non-governmental organizations operating in Nairobi County do involve their stakeholders in the strategic management. However, the level of involvement varies according to stakeholder’s power and influence in the organization. The researcher recommends survey on the health-based non-governmental organizations that operate in the country; a case study can be done to give in-depth data and a study may be done to find out whether stakeholder involvement in health-based non-governmental organizations may lead to long-term success in organizations.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013

Institution: University Of Nairobi

Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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