biology syllabus: lower secondary new curriculum


This Syllabus is a four-year programme of study for Biology, which is one of the 20 subjects of the New Lower Secondary School Curriculum. The Syllabus builds upon concepts, skills, attitudes, and values developed at primary school level which provide a firm foundation for further learning of the subject at the secondary level. Thus, this Syllabus in addition to providing the basic foundation for understanding Biology, meets specific needs of the higher-achieving minority of the learners who will go on to study Biology at a higher level. Biology contributes to the development of critical thinking, creativity, invention, and innovation. It helps the learner to use evidence to evaluate the way Science can be applied in everyday life. The effective integration of the Science processes and the development of the scientific attitude are central to this Syllabus. The teachers of Biology, are required to shape the learning experiences to cater for the needs and interests of all learners. Learner textbooks and teacher’s resource books will greatly assist teachers in achieving the set learning outcomes. The study of Biology contributes to the development of independent thinking, science process skills, and the scientific attitude. The Learning Outcomes of the Syllabus are, therefore, structured to provide the learner with opportunities to develop an understanding of Biology within the different topics, across the four-year study. This Biology syllabus complements our indigenous Science which is about the way people live and interact with the natural environment. In this way, scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes contribute purposefully towards the improvement of the health and material wellbeing of individuals, and our society as a whole. This Syllabus is meant to positively affect everyday life, by improving understanding of the natural phenomena. Biology also provides a foundation for a knowledgeable, skilled, and responsive workforce, which is crucial for the development of the country’s economy. I, therefore, endorse this Syllabus as the official document for the teaching and learning of Biology


Level: senior-one

Type: text books

Year: 2019

Institution: National Curriculum Development Centre

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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