A face mask is the covering of the mouth, nose to provide a simple barrier to help prevent the respiratory droplets from spreading of COVID 19. 12% people were found to be using face masks effectively. its upon this behavior a study topic was conducted to identify the determinants of use of face masks in prevention of COVID 19 among community members in Migeera town council, Nakasongola district. It was guided by the following objectives; individual factors of use of face masks in prevention of COVID 19 among community members, socio – cultural factors of use of face masks in prevention of COVID 19 among community members and environmental factors of use of face masks in prevention of COVID 19 among community members in Migeera town council, Nakasongola district. The study used a descriptive cross sectional study design that employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used. Simple random method was used to obtain 48 respondents. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and this was analyzed using Microsoft word and excel programs and presented in form of graphics, tables and narratives. Results of the study showed that; individual determinants included; 19(39.6%) had primary education level, 24(50%) disagreed that masks are effective in controlling the spread of COVID 19 and 34(70.8%) did not suffer from any chronic illness. Environmental determinants were, 44(91.7%) reported presence of policies encouraging use of face masks and 29(87.9%) regarded the laws to not be strict. Social – cultural determinants included; 37(77.1%) never had a relative who suffered from COVID 19, 40(83.3%) reported society acceptance of individuals who do not put on the face mask and 29(60.4%) had 4 to 7 house hold residents. The study established that usage of face mask low mainly because of social – cultural and individual determinants unlike environmental determinants. Therefore, it is recommended that Ministry of health and health workers should continue with the sensitization programs on the correct use of face masks and it is effectiveness; so as to enable even individuals with low education level to recognize the need to use the face masks.
Level: diploma
Type: dissertations
Year: 2022
Institution: Kampala University School of Nursing.
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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