the factors that have led to covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among the people of mukubira zone, makerere 1 kawempe division kampala district


COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy refers to the reluctance of the people to acquire the vaccine despite it being deemed safe and effective. This research is aimed to uncover the factors for the covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among the people of mukubira zone, makerere 1, Kawempe division Kampala district. The research method that employed during the data collection was convenience sampling method where respondents were selected basing on their availability, questionnaires were distributed and a sample population of 52 respondents were involved in the study. The study finding included demographic data which showed, that all the participants were 18years of age and above 52(100%), majority of them 32(61.5%) were females, almost half 20(38.5%) were males. The research findings also included the data of the cultural factors for the covid-19 vaccine hesitancy, and it showed that 27(51.9%) of the respondents said their cultures don’t support covid-19 vaccination, 25(48.1%) gave a positive response as their cultures support covid-19 vaccination against covid019 disease. The social economic factors for the covid-19 vaccine hesitancy shows that 31(59.6%) respondents preferred the old people to acquire the vaccine, 15(28.8%) of the respondents preferred the young, whereas 6(11.5%) of the respondents acknowledged that both the young and old aged people to 1receive the vaccine against the covid-19 disease. The recommended factors to improve the covid-19 vaccine uptake included the following: 30(57.7%) of the participants acknowledged that giving the proper information about the covid-19 vaccine whereas 14(26.9%) of the respondents said that sensitizing people on the benefits of the covid-19 vaccine would improve the covid-19 vaccine uptake. It can be concluded that covid-19 vaccine hesitancy had been a major hindering factor to achieving the common most important goal of ensuring all people have been vaccinated and safe guarded from the corona virus. Furthermore many people have developed a negative ideology about the covid-19 vaccine due to the negative propaganda in the media and different source of information. The recommended action point to the government is that, proper education is vital if the vaccination goals are to be made a success.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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