using a change of urban land use and distribution of housing facilities to update physical development plans: a case study kawempe division, kampala


A big threat to development of Kampala and in particular the area under study is lack of approved and up-to-date physical development plans that match the developments on ground (UNEP, 2002; Kamete et al, 2001). This is evident from the existing physical development plans that exist. These include Kawempe physical development plan of 1994 and physical development plan of Kampala city 2013.This implies that planning authority had taken 19 years without an updated development plan. The Planning approaches such as top-down, bottom-up and composite approaches that urban /city planners and other planning authorities use are slow because they are inflexible, bureaucratic and have highly imposed processes at each stage. That’s the reason this research project used a change of urban land use and distribution of housing facilities as an approach to update physical development plans The researcher used a descriptive research design which used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection using a sample of 98 respondents that were selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques with the questionnaires and the interviews guides as data collection tools. Physical development plans for a period of 1994 to 2013 and orthophotos of 1994, 2013 and 2019 were overlayed with the corresponding physical development plans to draw the analysis in relation to the existing parameters being used which include; Population data topographical map, Cadastral map, Previously updated structural plans, social economic data and main grid system. These parameters were later substituted with the economic activity, Development control procedures, Nature of the household, Tenure of the land. The data was analysed using Arc GIS 10.2 and the spatial content was analysed using Microsoft excel and SPSS to draw tables, graphs and charts. The major findings of this study reveals that parameters based on existing approaches such as top-down, bottom-up and composite approaches are too slow to conform to the developments and it later reveals that new parameters based on the suggested approach of using of a change of urban land use and distribution of housing facilities such as economic activities, development control procedures nature of the house hold and tenure of the land are cheap to construct a physical development plan. The major recommendation was that city/urban planners should adopt a change of urban land use and distribution of housing facilities to update physical development plans.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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