uses and management of indigenous fruit trees in the lake victoria basin districts of rwanda and uganda


An exploratory study was conducted to elicit farmers’ knowledge on the use and management of selected indigenous fruit trees (IFTs) in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) districts in Rwanda and Uganda. A mixed method approach was used to assemble the required information for optimising sustainable use, management and on-farm cultivation of the IFTs. The specific objectives were to: analyse preferences, availability and abundance of selected IFTs, ascertain the significance of the selected IFTs to the livelihoods of rural communities, assess management practices and conservation methods adapted by farming communities, and examine perceived challenges and opportunities for ensuring sustainable use and management of IFTs in the area. Data were collected using household surveys involving 700 respondents (300 in Rwanda and 400 in Uganda), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Key Informant Interviews (KII) and case studies on selected IFTs. Survey data were were entered and analysed in SPSS. Chi square tests and logistic regressions were applied to ascertain the relationship between respondents’ socio demographic characteristics and level of interest in IFTs as food and medicine. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis based on emerging themes and patterns. A total of 23 IFTs belonging to 20 families were reported by the respondents in Rwanda and Uganda. Of the 13 IFTs reported by the respondents in each country, 3 IFTs were reported to be common in both Rwanda and Uganda. Garcinia buchananii Baker. Myrianthus holstii Engl. and Ximenia caffra Sond; were the most preferred IFTs in Rwanda while Canarium schweinfurthi Engl., Tamarindus indica L., Garcinia buchananii Baker, Saba comorensis Boj., and Vangueria apiculata K. Schum. were the most preferred IFTs in Uganda. In each country, preferences for IFTs varied from district to districts and one community to another. Farmers’ knowledge on the availability of X. caffra was significantly influenced by age (P=0.036, R2= 0.162), education (P=0.016, R2=0.162) and occupation (P=0.030, R2=0.162). Chi-square test revealed that education influenced the level of use of V. apiculata as a source of food (χ2=15.017, P=0.020) while sex and level of education influenced the level of use of X. caffra as a source of food (χ2=6.473, P=0.039 and χ2=13.648 and P=0.009) respectively. Marital status significantly influenced the preference of C. schweinfurthii and V. apiculata as a source of medicine (χ2=24.572, P=0.017 and χ2=37.458, P=0.000) respectively. The most commonly reported fruit tree management practices ranged from weeding, safeguarding seedlings/coppicing and pruning. Challenges for sustainable use and management of IFTs included inadequate knowledge, lack of planting materials and long maturity period of IFTs reported by 20.5%, 21.7% and 5.5% of the respondents respectively. Provision of free food and medicine, resistance to harsh environment, existence of cooperatives and other organizations involved in promoting the growing of trees were reported respectively by 38%, 45%, 40% and 30% of the respondents as opportunities for sustainable use and management of IFTs. Although farming communities revealed having great knowledge of IFTs, there is no elaborated management plan to guide sustainable use and management of the IFTs. This may explain the decline in abundance of the IFTs in the sampled LVB districts and beyond. Incorporation of preferred IFTs in the various agroforestry practices, can thus, help to promote on-farm production of IFTs for improved community livelihoods.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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