knowledge, attitude and practices towards lifestyle modifications among type ii diabetic patients in mubende hospital, mubende district


Background: The number of persons suffering from type II diabetes mellitus continues to rise worldwide and causes significant morbidity and mortality, especially in the developing world. behavior change and adoption of healthy lifestyle habits help to prevent or manage the disease. however, the knowledge and practice of healthy lifestyles in many diabetic patients are inadequate. Purpose: This study aimed at establishing the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding lifestyle modification amongst type II diabetic patients in Mubende. Study Setting: the study was carried out at the diabetic clinic of Mubende regional referral hospital Methods: A cross-sectional study was done using a structured questionnaire amongst 100 type II diabetic patients seen at the diabetic clinic of Mubende regional referral hospital. baseline characteristics of the participants were obtained and their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding lifestyle modification were assessed. Results: In this study, majority (81)81% of the respondents had knowledge about lifestyle modification as they were able to mention adherence to diabetic drugs 37%, low sugar consumption 25%, healthy and nutritious diet by 20%, regular exercise 11% and weight management/reduction mentioned by only 7% of the respondents. 62% of the respondents said that Lsms keep blood sugar levels in normal or near normal ranges and 34% said Lsms help to reduce or normalize blood sugar levels. In the study more than (92)92% of the respondents demonstrated good (positive)attitude towards lifestyle modification in the management of diabetes mellitus typeII. in the study, 53% of the respondents do not practice lifestyle modifications/measures to control diabetes mellitus type ii and only 47% 0f the respondents do practice Lsms in the management of type II diabetes mellitus Conclusion: Despite the knowledge and positive attitudes of respondents toward healthy lifestyle modifications, practice of lifestyle modifications amongst type II diabetes mellitus patients at the diabetic clinic in Mubende is generally very low/poor. good knowledge and attitude towards lifestyle modification in the management of type II diabetes mellitus does not necessarily guarantee practice.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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