knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in food hygiene in selected universities in rubaga division, kampala


Introduction: Food is an important basic necessity that provides nutrient and energy for growth and development of humans. Food handlers play a crucial role in ensuring food hygiene as well as the transmission of food poisoning. To ensure that consumers are served safe food, handlers should take safety precautions during preparation, cooking, storage and serving. However, most restaurants do not take into consideration the specific sanitary requirements needed for various steps in food preparation. This study was aimed at assessing Knowledge, Altitude and Practices towards food hygiene among food handlers around selected university around Rubaga Divison in Kampala district Methodology: A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out on 191 food handlers who met the inclusion criteria. Data was collected using a pre tested questionnaires with the aid of research assistants and analysed using SPSS. Results: The majority of food handlers were aged 25 to 35 years. 85% of food handlers had acceptable knowledge about food hygiene, likewise the attitude72.3%, but good practice was practiced by very few handlers. 50.3% did not keep the work surface clean and disinfected, 25.7% dried dishes with their aprons, 47.1% cooked meat for 45 minutes, 39.8% did not wash vegetables before cooking, 48.7% had long nails and 40.3% continue to work even though they had an infectious disease like flue. Conclusion: The knowledge and attitude about food hygiene was good amongst food handlers but the practice of food hygiene was only fair. Direct observation of hygiene practices observation amongst these handlers revealed that most of them dried their hands with their aprons after washing them. The responsible authority should therefore continuously inspect these restaurants and set up safety precautions to protect the public


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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