factors influencing the utilization of reproductive health services among somali men in kisenyi slum, kampala district-uganda


Background: Reproductive health care services are a system of providing for the reproductive and sexual need and rights of the community. Reproductive health covers issues such as access to sexual health rights including the prevention of STIs/ STDs, adolescent health and access to family planning services (UNAIDS 2014). Reproductive health services and reproductive needs for men involve a number of services including but not limited to safe sexual behavior, prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections and diseases especially HIV/AIDS, use of contraceptive methods, risk prevention and safe sex practices as well as fertility services Objectives: To determine the factors influencing utilization of reproductive health services among Somali men in Kisenyi slum in Uganda in the period of June to August, 2016. Methods and Results: This study took up a descriptive cross-sectional design involving the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. Majority of the Somali men in the study 265 (69%) did not utilize reproductive health. Only 119 (31%) of the respondents reported to be utilizing reproductive health services. The most utilized reproductive health service was contraceptive services by 91 (76.5%) of the respondents followed by reproductive health education 61(51.3%) and treatment of STIs by 52 (43.7%) of the respondents. The least utilized reproductive health services were fertility treatment 11 (9.2%) and prostate cancer screening. Conclusion: The utilization of reproductive health services among Somali men was low at 31% of the study population. Among those who utilized reproductive health services, the reproductive health services utilized included contraceptive services, HIV testing and counseling, treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), reproductive health education, fertility treatment and prostate cancer screening.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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