the socio-economic effects of covid-19 on people’s livelihoods in kigando sub-county, mubende district


The study was about investigating the socio-economic effects of Covid-19 on people’s livelihood in Kigando sub-county, Mubende district. The objectives of the research were three, namely; (1) to establish the community’s knowledge of the prevalence of Covid-19 in Kigando Sub-county, Mubende district, (2) to establish the measures undertaken to combat Covid-19 in Kigando Sub-county, Mubende District and (3) to establish the socio-economic effects of Covid-19 on people’s livelihoods in Kigando Sub-County, Mubende District. The sample size was composed of 264 randomly selected people (143 males, 121 females). The researcher used survey method to collect data from the respondents. This involved use of questionnaires with both open and close ended questions. Among the key findings are that Covid-19 was widely spread in Kigando with 33% respondents reporting to have been infected with Covid-19 while 27% were not sure. Much as they had suffered COVID like symptoms, they could not establish whether it was COVID due to lack of testing. 58% of respondents knew of someone in Kigando who has ever been infected with Covid-19. The main source of information on Covid-19 was radio/television which carried live broadcasts of the presidential address on Covid-19 and also ran special messages and bulletins updating the public. Social media at 21% also played a role in creating awareness. 16% of those who did not have access to radio/television and social media got their information from relatives and friends. Print media at 4% played a minimal role. Due to effective communication strategy, an overwhelming majority of respondents at 88% could tell the correct cause of Covid-19 while 8% did not know. Only 4% attributed Covid-19 to overpopulation. On individual level, respondents reported negative effects on Covid-19 on their livelihoods in form of reduced income (54%), poverty increase (23%), reduced savings (18%) and psychological torture (5%). At community level, respondents observed negative effects in form of unemployment (30%), school dropouts (18%), family breakups (13%) moral degradation (11%), child pregnancy (10%), early marriage (10%), economic decline (5%) and death (3%). The study recommends sustained awareness campaigns to guard against resumption of negative practices that can lead to new infections. All I authority at any level should seriously enforce standard operating procedures and individuals should take personal responsibility to stay safe. It is also recommended that the government should support struggling businesses with incentives such as tax holidays, soft business loans and support creation of income generating activities for vulnerable members of the community through the proposed Parish Development Model.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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