the impact of counter terrorism on human security in uganda, 2010-2015


The study examines the impact of Counter Terrorism on Human Security in Uganda in the period 2010-2015. The research was founded upon four specific objectives namely: to identify (a) the types of terrorism in Uganda, (b) to find out the approaches to counter-terrorism, (c) to examine the challenges faced by the government in implementing counter terrorism and (d) to assess ways through which counter terrorism and human security can be enhanced. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methodology and employed a case study research design to collect, analyse and present data. Quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) which generated simple summery statistics such as percentages, totals, etc; while using questionnaires, the research collected data from purposively selected respondents. Data was also collected from documentary evidence which included review of: official government reports, books, academic journals and news papers. These formed quantitative and qualitative evidences on the the impact of Counter-Terrorism on Human security in Uganda in the period 2010-2015. The research found out that the types of terrorism in Uganda included among others: Bloody Violence and Threats of Violence; Informal and Personal Conflict; Insurgent Movements and Extensive civil wars as well as Sub-National / Domestic Terrorism. In combating terrorism, the government of Uganda uses Court Arbitration, Administrative Tribunals, Effective Communication, Dialogue, Preventing the enemy from fighting, Training and Use of Force (Establishment Violence). The challenges faced by government in implementing counterterrorism include: political and socio-economic factors i.e. lack of skills among the implementing agencies, low levels of technology, corruption and loopholes in investigating agencies and intelligence network to mention but a few. The study further revealed that the effects of counter terrorism are seen in Social-political stability, Cooperation, Social welfare, Freedom, The general good progress. However, all these are affected by Legislation; Cultural Environment; and Political Levels of Awareness. The researcher therefore recommends among others that the rule of the law should be adhered to, to avoid informal and personal conflicts, the government should train and skill personnel in identifying the causes and the actors in terrorism in order to prevent them from fighting. The biggest methodological challenge was Operationalising the concept of human security. This is too broad Therefore this study recommends other studies which will focus on the relationship between counter terrorism and particular aspects of human security such as the environment.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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