effects of human resource management practices on performance of non-government organisations: a case study of uganda youth network (uyonet)


In this era of highly competitive environment, Non-Governmental Organizations in the Service sector are trying hard to win the attention of clienteles by providing them value added service and quality innovations to remain competitive in the market. The study was conducted to explore the effects of Human Resource Management practices namely recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefit, employee involvement and participation and performance appraisal on performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Uganda. The study population consisted of managers and employees of Uganda Youth Network membership organizations where a stratified Random sampling technique was used to collect data for this research study. The research design used was descriptive survey research design. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher developed and distributed two sets of 8 and 10 HRM practices categorized questionnaires to 40 managers and 110 employees respectively. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS (descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were performed). Correlation and regression analysis was done to establish the relationship between various HRM practices and performance of Non-Governmental Organizations. Data was presented in form of tables, charts and graphs. The study has found that human resource practices: recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation have a significant relationship with organization performance. The results come from a survey study which was done at the convenience of the researcher. If the organisation is to increase its performance to higher levels, it should emphasize more on compensation, recruitment and selection. Some improvement needs to be done on the other performance appraisal and training and development in order to increase their effectiveness on the UYONET performance. Most studies on effects of HRM practices on performance of organisations have focused on private sectors in Uganda. In other countries, the studies have focused only on non-managerial staff as a sample. This study has attempted to add to the body of knowledge on the effects of HRM practices on NGOs performance in Uganda combining both the non managerial and managerial staff. The study findings will be of values to the management and board of Uganda Youth Network, donors and individual supporters financing Non-Governmental Organizations, NGO’s bureau and the NGO’s council and the government who will be able to understand and appreciate the effect of Human Resource Management Practices on performance of Non-Governmental Organizations and addressing any areas of weakness so as to ensure sustainability and continuity of programmes. The study will provide information to academicians and researchers who will want to carry out further research in this area. If the employees are well aware of the organization environment, their duties, and objectives, they can better perform their tasks, and it helps the organization to enhance their productivity. A highly committed and competent workforce allows companies are succeeding these strategies and gain a competitive advantage as long as these procedures are communicated and the workforce is involved in both the formulation and implementation phases.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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