supply chain management and performance of floricultural firms in uganda: a case study of wagagai limited


The study sought to examine the relationship between supply chain management and export performance in the floriculture sector with a case study of Wagagai Limited. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to evaluate the relationship between logistics processes and the performance of Wagagai Limited; ii) to establish how supply chain optimization practices have enhanced the performance of Wagagai Limited; and iii) to examine the extent to which marketing practices have influenced the performance of Wagagai Limited. The study adopted a phenomenological approach, cross sectional survey and case study strategy, both quantitative and qualitative methods to data collection and analysis. A sample of 86 was used for the study with purposive, census and simple random sampling techniques used to determine the constituent elements. Adopted several data collection instruments to include; self administered questionnaires, interview guides, and documentary review checklists. Findings revealed a strong positive relationship between logistics processes and performance of Wagagai Limited given r = 0.708 at significance levels p = 0.001 less than 0.05, a moderately strong positive relationship between supply chain optimization and the Performance of Wagagai Limited given r = 0.641 at significance levels p = 0.000 less than 0.05, and a strong positive relationship between marketing practices and the performance of Wagagai Limited given r = 0.752 at significance levels p = 0.001 less than 0.05. The study concluded that there a moderately strong positive relationship between supply chain management practices and performance of floricultural firms. Since all these were attained at sig. values less than 0.05, the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between supply chain management practices and performance of floricultural firms was rejected and the alternative adopted. The study on the relationship between supply chain management and the performance of Wagagai Limited gave rise to several recommendations applicable to the firms operating in floral supply chains including: need to improve integration and collaboration of logistics processes, packaging and labeling; address inefficiencies in quality management systems; intensify production planning; establish demand and supply certainty; need to move towards establishing a flexible marketing system; and intensifying market research in order to have improved performance.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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