the role of civil society organizations in fighting corruption in entebbe municipality: a case study of entebbe foundation against corruption.


The study was about the role of Civil Society Organizations in the fight against corruption in Entebbe Municipality, Wakiso district, with a case of Entebbe Foundation Against Corruption and study was guided by the following specific objectives; To identify the effectiveness of Civil Society Organizations in fighting corruption, To identify the challenges faced by the Civil Society Organizations in fighting corruption and To establish the possible solutions to the problems of corruption in Entebbe municipality, Wakiso district. The study adopted a case study design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample size of 60 respondents was taken and this was purposively and randomly chosen and interview and questionnaire methods were used. The study established that, why corruption is at its peak in Uganda, because of the current laws and legal institution that are so weak to prevent the corruption cases, at the same time punish the corrupt officials, such as ant-corruption courts are full of corrupted officials, influenced by the government and corruption victims. Therefore, the chance of realizing reduction in the corruption tendencies is myths The study recommended that. the civil society organization together with government should use the media as a platform to education and make the public aware of the government activities, resources also issues related to corruption, so all people will be attracted and fully involved in monitoring the progressing towards the fight against corruption, The researcher concluded that, the causes of corruption, the mechanism of fighting corruption, the sources of funding for CSO’s, the challenges faced by CSOs and ways of confronting the government to fight corruption. Corruption can be managed if only individuals in charge of managing public officials respect their professionals and integrity when performing the duties and exercising their power and authority in the respective public offices.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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