theorising ict education and ict policy in green ict: insights from the belief action outcome model and accountability theory


The study presents a comprehensive model that combines the investigative power of belief action outcome model and accountability theory and also integrates ICT education and ICT policy to examine factors influencing the Green IT Practice. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ICT education and ICT policies on Green ICT practice in Uganda. Adapting the Belief Action Outcome model, the study looked at the effect of societal structure and organisational structure on beliefs about the environment. These effects were moderated by Accountability theory constructs namely; identifiability, expectation of evaluation and awareness of monitoring. The study adopted a post-positivist paradigm with a quantitative analytical survey research methodology. Using a deductive approach, questionnaires were used as the data collection tool. A cross-sectional study was conducted out and 384 respondents were selected using two stage cluster sampling. A response rate of 94% was achieved. Correlation and regression analysis, Medgraphs and Modgraphs were carried out. A Structural equation modeling was also estimated to test for mediation and moderation of the study variables. It was found that societal structure, ICT education and organisational structure have a positive effect on beliefs about the environment. Societal structure, ICT education, ICT policy and organisational structure have a positive effect on Green ICT practice; Beliefs about the environment positively mediate the relationship between societal structure, ICT education, organisational structure and Green ICT practice. However, ICT policy was found to have a negative effect on beliefs about the environment. Expectation of evaluation was found to have a positive effect on Green ICT practice, while identifiability and awareness of monitoring didn’t have a significant effect on Green ICT practice. The study recommends accreditation bodies and academics to incorporate sustainability in ICT education in order to build knowledge and awareness of how ICT can be used to conserve and manage the environment. It also recommends an increase in societal/community Green ICT initiatives since they have the greatest effect on Green ICT and consequently the environment. Keywords: Societal structure, ICT education, ICT policy, organisational structure, beliefs about the environment, identifiability, evaluation, monitoring, Green ICT practice.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: ICT University

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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