the role of poverty in influencing school dropout among primary school pupils in kisenyi parish, kalungi sub-county, nakasongola district, uganda


According to the research that I made, I discovered that, it is the role of Poverty that influences school dropout among primary school pupils, this so because as poverty was considered largely unavoidable by, even today Poverty still affect some families and make them lack food, medical care, school fees, and other necessities, hence leading to school dropout among primary school pupils. The influence of poverty denies Uganda children an opportunity to pursue education. This is the reason why free primary and secondary education was introduced in Uganda for standard one to seven and S.1 to higher level by H.E Yoweri. K. Museveni in 1996 for UPE and 2005 for USE. The study investigated the role of poverty in influencing school dropout among primary school Pupils in Kisenyi Parish, Kalungi Sub-County, Nakasongola District, Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; To establish the factors that lead to school dropout among primary school pupils, to find out how poverty influence school dropout among primary school pupils and to suggest possible interventions on how to reduce school dropout among primary school pupils. Chapter three gives the research methodology. In the research study, the methods that the researcher used for data collection were interviews for 25 Dropped out pupils, 8 Continuing pupils and 4 Local Council Leaders. And questionnaires for 12 Teachers, and 1DEO.In the research study, the researcher also used simple random Sampling and purposive sampling techniques to sample respondents involved in the study. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Chapter five provides the conclusion and recommendations. The research findings concluded that the factors that cause dropout among pupils are; Poor learning resource, unfavorable school environment, Poor teacher quality, fear of teachers, excessive corporal punishment, ineffective teaching, persistence poor performance, long distance from school, lack of food provision in school and poor administration. Also the findings indicated that children from uneducated parents are more likely to dropout from schools than children from educated parents. In conclusion, despite the government’s efforts through U.P.E to improve the quality of education with emphasis to equal access for boys and girls, dropout is still an alarming issue where girl pupils dropout more than boy pupils. I recommend for sensitization of parents on the importance of education so as to understand their role and involvement in their children education. According to this research study, I would recommend that, the community should be sensitized more about the value of education that is when the parents and children will understand their role and involvement in their children education and become aware of benefits of education, hence reducing the rate of school dropout among primary school pupils. Further research is needed to actually investigate the role of poverty in influencing school dropout among the primary school pupils in this region.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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