revenue management and health service delivery in a decentralised framework of ntungamo municipality, ntungamo district, western uganda


The study established the relationship between revenue management and health service delivery in Ntungamo Municipality. The objectives included: to establish the relationship between revenue management planning on health service delivery in Ntungamo Municipality; to investigate how implementation of the revenue management plan influences health service delivery in Ntungamo Municipality; and, to analyse the effect of revenue expenditure control on health service delivery in Ntungamo Municipality. The study espoused a cross-sectional survey research design using qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The study used a sample size of 148 respondents who were selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Information was collected using questionnaire, interview and documentary review checklist. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Results indicated a significant positive relationship between revenue management planning and health service delivery (.431**) in Ntungamo Municipality. The study established a significant positive relationship between implementation of the revenue enhancement plan and health service delivery (.392**) in Ntungamo Municipality. The study found out a significant positive relationship between revenue expenditure control and health service delivery (.425**) in Ntungamo Municipality. The study concluded that that if the revenue management is well planned and implemented, there is no doubt that there will be a corresponding improvement in the quality of health services delivered to clients. Findings indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between revenue management plan and health service delivery. From the discussion held on revenue management planning and health service delivery, it was learnt that Ntungamo Municipality ensures capacity building for its staff in order to better the implementation the revenue plan. The study recommended that there is need for Ntungamo Municipality to implement revenue management strategies in order to generate more local revenues because the revenue management plan has been proved by this study to have significant effect on health service delivery. The municipality needs to deploy adequate enforcement staff to collect revenue since it was established that they ensure timely revenue collection to put in health sector for improved health services. The local governments need to ensure that there is effective implementation of budgets for health as planned and quartery review of the budget needs to be strengthened in Ntungamo Municipality.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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