the influence of female teachers’ reproductive health experiences on their job performance in selected secondary schools in kabale municipality


The study was about the influence of female teachers’ reproductive health experiences and job performance in selected schools in Kabale Municipality. By natural course, female teachers undergo reproductive health experiences such as menstruation periods, pregnancy, childcare and nursing which tend to weaken them physically, psychologically and mentally because of the challenges they encounter. The study was based on the following objectives: To explore school managers’ and teachers’ lived experiences regarding the performance of female teachers: To examine how female teachers’ reproductive health experiences affect their job performance; To assess job performance challenges faced by female teachers experiencing reproductive health changes and to examine how female teachers with various reproductive health changes cope with their job performance . In total, a sample of 45 respondents was selected using purposive sampling. These included Head teachers, Heads of department, male teachers and female teachers. The study employed qualitative techniques by adopting phenomenological research design to collect and analyse data. Data collection tools used were Interview guide and Focus group discussion guide. Interviews were conducted on Head teachers and Heads of department while Group discussions were held with Male and Female teachers. A qualitative presentation and analysis of data was based on themes formulated basing on the research objectives. The cultural feminism theory was also used to interpret and discuss data. The findings indicate that female teachers were stigmatized, oppressed, stereotyped and discriminated against at the workplace. Recommendations to be considered and implemented by relevant authorities were made and I hope they will be useful to improve the present working conditions of female teachers.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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