complementary feeding practices and associated factors in children below the age of 24 months in kitumba sub county-kabale district


The UDHS 2016 portrayed Kigezi sub region with nine per cent of children suffering malnutrition and stunting. This was attributed to poor nutritional practices among other factors. A few studies have been done in the region to assess the factors which influence complementary feeding practices among the children below the age of 24 months. This study was to determine the prevalence of complementary feeding practices; describe indicators of complementary feeding and identify the socio-demographic factors associated with children feeding in Kitumba Sub county, Kabale district. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey which used qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The study found out that the prevalence of complementary feeding was generally low (58%). Both parents were involved in child feeding even though it was perceived that child feeding was the mother’s responsibility. Mothers made the decisions on when to introduce complementary feeding and had the responsibility to introduce complementary feeding. Maize porridge and sorghum was provided to the children alongside paste and vegetables. Children were encouraged to eat by giving them attention. If a child kept crying after breastfeeding, it was perceived that he/she did not get satisfied and this was a justification for early initiation of complementary food. Sickness and death of a breastfeeding mother also influenced early initiation of food. Age and education of caretakers significantly influenced complementary feeding practices of children. It is imperative that programmes focused on increasing complementary feeding practices should be conducted such as comprehensive nutrition education by health workers, making home visits, and reinforcement of IYCF through local leaders following the WHO guideline.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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