adoption of ict banking services and performance of selected commercial banks in kabale municipality: a case of equity and stanbic bank


The study assessed adoption of ICT banking services and performance of commercial banks in Equity and Stanbic, Kabale District. The objectives of the study were to identify ICT banking services offered to clients to determine the effect of integrating ICT banking services on performance of the commercial banks and to analyse the challenges affecting adoption of ICT banking services in the banks. A mixed methods approach and a cross-sectional research design were used. The study population consisted of 283 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and the observation method. Both random and non-random sampling techniques were used including: cluster, simple random, stratified and purposive sampling to recruit respondents in the study. Findings revealed that ICT banking services offered to clients at Equity and Stanbic banks included: electronic banking services, internet banking services, mobile banking services, decision support system and social media outreach. The effect of integrating ICT banking services on performance of the commercial banks indicated that ICT improved the quality of banking services, and reduced long queues in the banks. The challenges affecting the adoption of ICT banking services included: communication errors, slowing down ICT systems and equipment, ignorance by majority of the customers about ICT usage especially online services, failure of the bank customers to own ICT gadgets to access online services and lack of information on available ICT banking services. The study recommended that the banks should promote use of ICT services to all their clients since ICT enhances service quality, constant and consistent service availability, reduces errors and data redundancies and saves time by offering fast service delivery. Banks should incorporate and invest in technology since technology is an important aspect in the alignment of information systems with business strategy.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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