determinants of family planning uptake among women with disability of reproductive age at kyanamuyonjo health center iii, kiboga district


A study was carried out to identify the determinants of family planning uptake among women with disabilities of reproductive age at Kyanamuyonjo Health Center III, Kiboga District. A descriptive and cross sectional design was employed and 30 (thirty) respondents were selected using convenience sampling procedure. Data was collected using interview guides. Respondents faced various social economic determinants of family planning uptake among women with disabilities of reproductive age. Although all 30 (100%) of the respondents used family planning to space or prevent pregnancy and 20 (66.7%) used family planning to prevent pregnancy, 20 (66.7%) had ever used family planning for 10 (50%) for 2 – 3 months, most 10 (50%) reported that the method did not prevent pregnancy as they conceived. This was attributed to factors such as 12 (60%) lack of information, 10 (50%) education level, 10 (50%) lack of awareness and support of husbands/partners about use of family planning. Respondents faced Cultural determinants of family planning uptake among women with disability of reproductive age and although all 30 (100%) agreed that their culture promoted the use of family planning because 20 (66.7%) it is natural, 20 (66.7%) reported that culture and religion always had an influence on type of family planning to use and 15 (50%) reported that their husband/partner were the decision makers about the method of family planning to use which influenced use of family planning. Respondents also faced Health facility determinants of family planning uptake among women with disability of reproductive age and although 21 (70%) reported that they sometimes attended FP services at the facility, 12 (40%) reported waiting for more than 1 hour to receive FP services, 15 (50%) reported that services were sometimes readily available, 12 (40%) resided more than 4 km away from the nearest health facility and 18 (60%) had never received health education about the use of calendar all of which influenced use of family planning. In conclusion, respondents faced various social economic, cultural and Health facility determinants of family planning uptake among women with disability of reproductive age . The key recommendations included more health education about family planning and its benefits and access to information, more involvement of partners, involvement in decision making on family planning use and more support among others.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: Kampala University.

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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