a report on field attachment internship at bugiri district local government from june to august 2019


This report is about a field attachment exercise which the student successfully completed within the period of 10 weeks that is to say from 5th June to 6th August at Bugiri local government, Central Registry department. The importance of field attachment is to develop student understanding of work ethics, employment demands and responsibilities, to provide opportunities to interact with stake holders and potential employers and to appreciate field situations that will generate information for co-curricular reviews and improvements. The placement enabled the student to relate the theoretical work from class to the field work hence helping the internee to get exposed and acquire professional skills and ethics. Various knowledge, capabilities and skills were imparted and enhanced throughout the internship period and these were retrieving skills, classification skills, listening skills, auditing skills, communication skills, computer skills, decision making skills, Teamwork and planning skills. The student faced a number of challenges that included working when she was sick, rudeness of some staffs, high lunch expenses and the high transport expenses. The student recommends BDLG to provide allowances to the trainees to enhance their working morale and performance. More so the student recommends Makerere University should organize seminars and conferences for the company heads and owners aimed at teaching them the importance of the internship training to both companies and the students. Makerere University should also provide a fee to interns to cater for the high expenses incurred during the internship period. In conclusion, the report was basically for academic purposes. The internship was the best exercise that exposed the student to the outside environment and therefore there is need to allocate more times of visit by the supervisor as a way to improve on the quality of the internship.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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