industrial training report at nebbi district local government department of works and technical services from 34th june 2019 to 27th july 2019


Engineering students at Ndejje University are required to undergo a comprehensive Engineering Training (industrial training) with a reputable and specialized industrial organization i n t h e area of interest within the c o u n t r y o r o u t s i d e and therefore, the industrial training is required to take two months by the university calendar. I participated in the following activities Setting out and site clearance works: This is the process of transferring dimensions from the plan onto the ground in the correct position as in the layout of the site. The method of setting out used was the string method using a tape, building square, profile, and hammer. Earth works: Earth works involves excavation to level, excavation in sides, mitre, catch water drain, form water and compact road bed, provision of fill materials and rehabilitation of existing road. Drainage works: This includes installation of culvert lines, providing materials and build cement bound masonry work in stone, provide selected materials and back fill structures. Gravelling works: This involves preparation of quarry site consisting of clearing vegetation and removes top soil (Overburden), Excavate gravel, remove boulders, stock pile, load, haul, offload, spread, water and compact, restoration of site quarry and borrow pit. The training went on well since I gained more practical experience than before and this shall enable me fit in the construction industry professionally, however, there were some challenges met during the training.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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