the impact of political differences on the performance of workers in uganda: a case study of kampala capital city authority (kcca)


The study sought to establish the impact of political differences on the performance of employees at Kampala capital city authority. The study adopted a questionnaire approach to achieve the three study objectives. The study also adopted sampling method to get participates in the study. The study found that political differences greatly affect the staff performance commitment at KCCA due to less provision of information on different tasks. The findings also revealed that most of the employees were psychologically and physically ready to act upon work information being communicated, many of them revealed that if tasks are well communicated and understood, then they would just proceed to work as required, however they revealed that sometimes there is miscommunication of information which affects their performance. However, the study also discovered that most of the political employees at KCCA are financially constrained and this affects the authority in providing ethical training aimed at improving on employee commitment to work, morals of employee meeting deadline among others. The results revealed that employee social skills and practices have some significant implications on the performance of the employees at KCCA. With these findings the study makes a positive contribution on the research topic and its objectives regarding present and passionate discussion surrounding the issues of political difference of employees and how it affects performance.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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