perceptions of teachers and learners towards piascy programme in primary schools: a case study of ttamu sub-county, mityana district


This study was carried out in Ttamu Sub-County, Mityana District and the core purpose of this study was to assess the attitude of teachers and learners towards PIASCY program in primary schools. A case study of Ttamu sub-county, Mityana District. The objectives that guided the study were to; establish teachers‟ perceptions about PIASCY in primary schools, establish pupils‟ perceptions about PIASCY in primary schools and find out the impact of PIASCY on pupils‟ intention to stay at school. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population sample to take part in the study included four head teachers five pupils and eleven teachers totaling twenty respondents. Respondents who took part in the study were chosen using purposive sampling technique. The research tools used for data collection were interview guides. The data collected was presented and analyzed using tables, frequencies and percentages. The major findings showed that the teachers‟ perceptions about PIASCY in primary schools are; some teachers censor PIASCY messages, PIASCY has successfully contributed to a stigma-free school environment, but inadequately addresses the needs of those who are HIV-infected, Some teachers promote condom use as a PIASCY message, Child-centric, interactive PIASCY activities are regarded by most teachers and pupils as having the strongest impact, Textual PIASCY materials are regarded by most pupils and teachers as having the least impact and Guidance and counselling procedures under PIASCY need to be better understood and standardized. The pupils‟ perceptions are that structures are needed to ensure consistent implementation and longevity of the PIASCY programme in schools, the role of communities in the PIASCY design is not well understood, Private schools do not function seamlessly within PIASCY‟s organizational structure, lack of monetary compensation. It was noted that PIASCY has; encouraged openness amongst teachers and students and equipped youngsters to confront HIV and AIDS through sex education , reduced on the rate of spread of HIV/AIDS in primary schools, led to Putting up talking‟ compounds in schools, holding of PIASCY assemblies. The researcher recommended that: there is need to address the language barriers posed by PIASCY reading materials by having teachers read PIASCY texts aloud to pupils; there is need to establish a formal hand-over process for PIASCY-trained teachers that are being transferred and there is need to continue to build the capacity of teachers to seamlessly mainstream PIASCY across the curriculum through periodic refresher training.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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