attitude of pupils in primary schools towards alcohol consumption by their teachers: a case study of kalwana sub-county, mubende district


The purpose of this study is to make an assessment of the attitude of primary school pupils towards alcohol consumption by their teachers. The study was carried out in Kalwana Sub-County, Mubende District. The objectives of the study were to; find out why teachers take alcohol; establish pupils’ thinking about teachers’ who take alcohol and establish lived experiences of primary school pupils with teachers who consume alcohol. The study was carried out using descriptive survey research design utilizing qualitative research approach. This was desired because it allows the researcher to acquire deep information from different categories of respondents. Ten (10) teachers and ten (10) pupils were randomly selected because it gave a chance to all the pupils and teachers to participate in the study. Interview guides were used to collect data from both pupils and the teachers. This tool will be used because it caters for individual differences. The data gathered was presented and analyzed using frequencies, tables and percentages. The major findings showed that teachers take alcohol for leisure, as a pastime, and to be happy, to manage burnout and stress To stimulate and sharpen thinking, for confidence and to avoid shyness when speaking, to show off, show economic power, show that you have money and for socialization purposes. The pupils thoughts about teachers’ who take alcohol were; teachers who drink are always absent, teachers who drink alcohol always fight in bars, teachers who drink punish pupils a lot and beat their wives and teachers who drink always have hangovers or illnesses. The experiences of primary school pupils with teachers who consume alcohol were; Over consumption of alcohol by our makes our teachers so rude, When our teachers are drunk, they don’t teach us very well, Teachers who consume much alcohol have separated from their families, teachers who drink alcohol cannot see well on the black board and Teachers who drink are always sick and don not attend to our classes. Conclusively, while primary school teachers in Uganda drink many types of alcohol, alcohol consumption may eventually condemn those teachers who over-drink to professional impotence. The study recommended the government should consider develop a curriculum on effects of drug use in the core subjects while teachers are still at the colleges, seminars for community awareness on influence and effects of alcohol, there is need for drug preventative education and sanitization, improved training is advocated for teachers and will enable them to respond more effectively to the needs of the child and avoid excessive alcohol consumption and enforcing laws on selling and consumption of alcohol by the public among others.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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