prevalence and factors associated with obstructed labor retrospectively among women delivered at public hospitals in west harerghezone, oromia region, ethiopia 2016.


Introduction: Obstructed labor is one of the common preventable causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in developing and low income countries including Ethiopia. The prevalence is more common in communities in which under nutrition in childhood is dominant and where there is no easy access to functioning health facilities. The common causes are cephalo pelvic disproportion, mal presentation and mal position. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence and factors associated with obstructed labor among women delivered at public hospitals in West Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Methods: Institution based cross sectional retrospective study design was conducted from March 10, 2016 to April 10, 2016 in West Harerghe public hospitals. The data was collected by using semi-structured pretested questionnaire check list. Systematic random sampling technique was used to select 385 delivered women. The data was checked, coded and entered to Epi-info version 3.1 and was exported to SPSS version 21 software. Binary and Logistic regression was used to analyze the association between the dependent and independent variables. Results: Prevalence of obstructed labor is found about 34.30% of the total delivered women. Out of these, 50.9% mother was not entirely followed by parthograph while in labor (i.e. parthograph was left blank). Most of the cases, accounting for (75.1%), (47%) and (44.7%) were self-referred , visited the hospital after at least 12 hours of labor and came from a distance of less than 10 kilometers, respectively. The causes of obstructed labor were cephalo-pelvic disproportion accounting 64.1% and malpresentation accounting 33.6% of the cases. Majority of mothers (94.7%) had no complications observed, but one maternal death was reported. About 8.8% of fetuses were still birth recorded. Conclusion: The prevalence of obstructed labor was high in the study area. Proper usage of parthograph was low. Improved proper utilization of parthograph, antenatal care coverage, good referral system, and comprehensive obstetric care in nearby health institutions are recommended to prevent obstructed labor and its complications. Key words: Obstructed labor, risk factors, and outcomes.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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