motivation factors and employee retention in uganda a case of uganda revenue authority


The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between motivation factors and employee retention at URA. The objectives of the study included; to examine the relationship between compensation and employee retention at URA, to investigate the relationship between career development and employee retention at URA and to examine the relationship between leadership styles and employee retention at URA. Vroom’s (1965) Expectancy theory was used as the main theory for the study as it states that employees join the organization with expectations about their needs. The study used a cross-sectional survey research designs both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted. The research used a sample of 186 respondents ’and the response rate of 176 (94.6%) was obtained from both the questionnaire and interview guide administered. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling were used. Methods of data collections were questionnaire, documentary analysis and interview. A questionnaire, interview guide and documentary checklist were used as instruments for data collection. Pearson correlation was used to determine the relationship between independent (IV) and dependent variation (DV) Quantitative analysis mainly consisted of descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages. data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and cross tabulations to find the relationship between the motivation factors and employee retention at URA. The study found out that compensation significantly affected employee retention, career development significantly affected employee retention and leadership styles have a significant relationship with employee retention at URA. It was recommended that URA should provide benefits that attract and retain employees by aligning remuneration with employee job responsibilities this will motivate employee to enhance retention, employee training at all organizational levels should be given priority to ensure career development and continuity and management to strengthen communication strategies in order to keep employees a braced .All in all , compensation, career development and leadership styles have a significant relationship with employee retention at URA. It is envisioned that, this study make managers more aware of the retention process and the need for more research in the subject area.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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