developing a web based current awareness services for ministry of justice and constitutional affairs library, uganda


The project aimed at designing a web based current awareness services for the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs library that will ease the dissemination of information to library users by making information accessible to everyone over the web. The objectives of the project were to; analyse the current CAS, determine the challenges of the current CAS, identify the requirements for a web based CAS and design a web based CAS in the MOJCA Library. The study employed a case study research design while adopting both qualitative and quantitative research approaches in collecting data. Questionnaire, interview, and documentary review methods were used to collect the data for the study. Simple random and purposive sampling methods ware used to select the 50 library users and 4 librarians respectively who participated in the study. Findings from the study revealed that MOJCA library still uses manual methods to carry out CAS, web applications are less used at MOJCA library, there is need for compatible and user friendly systems, and also a need to design and develop a web based CAS system which can reach out to a wider audience. Based on the above findings, the study concluded that, methods used to offer CAS services at MOJCA library should be revised, methods like use of websites and other web applications should be adopted, compatible and user friendly systems should be used and finally a web based CAS should be designed and developed in order to reach out to a wider population. The study recommended that, the library should revise the current CAS methods used, adopts the use of web applications, use of social media networks, use the compatible and user friendly system and should implement a designed and developed web based CAS.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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