factors affecting road transport management in kampala capital city authority, uganda


The study examined factors that affecting road transport management in Kampala Capital City Authority. It was guided by three research objectives which were; to examine the influence of policy, planning and resource management factors on transport management in Kampala Capital City Authority. The study used a cross sectional survey design with both qualitative and quantitative results. The study population involved Uganda transport board members, traffic officers and KCCA directorate of physical planning employees. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. In data analysis means were obtained to show the central tendency of responses, also correlations and regressions to show the magnitude of effect the independent variables have on the dependent variable. Study findings revealed that policy factors have a positive significant relationship with the transport management (r=.743, p=.000) in Kampala City with coefficient of determination R2=0.552 which shows that 55.2% variation in transport management is explained by changes policy factors. Hence any changes in policy factors would lead to 56.7% chance change in the transport services in Kampala City. Findings also revealed that planning factors significantly affect transport management in Kampala city (r=.730, p=.000) with a coefficient of determination R2 of .533 that indicates 53.4% chance change in transport management is explained planning factors at KCCA. Also it was found out that the is a positive significant relationship between resource management factors and the transport management at KCCA (r=.707, p=.000) with a regression coefficient determination of .500 meaning that 50% chance change in transport management is explained by changes in resource management at KCCA. It was therefore concluded that KCCA has a lot of road transport management and road expansion policies on paper but their actual implementation is not well done, the authority collects a lot of revenue from various sources, but these resources are not effectively used. It is therefore recommended that policies to reduce on the traffic should be effectively implemented especially the bicycle policy, road expansion should be emphasized by different stakeholders, planning should be channeled through a consultant to effectively carry such plans and all KCCA projects and also carry out all evaluations with a committee comprising of senior citizens and other stakeholders need to be set up to oversee and manage the disbursement of funds.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2015


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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