assesment of records retrieval systems at kampala capital city authority physical planning department


The purpose of the study was to assess the records retrieval systems at the KCCA Physical Planning Department. The objectives of the study were to; examine the current status of records managed at KCCA Physical Planning Department, asses the records retrieval systems used at KCCA Physical Planning Department, establish the challenges in the records retrieval systems at KCCA Physical Planning Department, Propose and recommend strategies to improve on the records retrieval systems at KCCA Physical Planning Department. The study employed a case study research design while adopting a qualitative research approach in the collection of data. Purposive sampling was used to select 12 respondents who participated in the study. Interview, observation method and document analysis methods of data collection were used to collect the data in the study. The study found out that the records managed at KCCA Physical Planning Department were; cartographic records, plans, architecture drawings, text records in files, photographic records, audio-visual records and the contract records among others. The major challenge with the current manual records retrieval system was inadequate funding in records management. Inadequate records staff and facilities in the management of the records were also highlighted as the challenges with the current records retrieval system. The study concluded that adopting an e-retrieval records system, increasing of the funding in records management, digitization, training of staff on the management of records, training of the records staff, provision of adequate funding, employing more records officers and localizing the newly acquired electronic records management system would help in improving the records retrieval systems at KCCA Physical Planning Department. The study recommended that in order to improve the records retrieval systems at KCCA Physical Planning Department, the different suggestions include; training of the records users, implementing an e-retrieval records system, make use of the records retention schedule, weeding and appraisal of records and usage of the file plan.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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