effects of land conflict on community livelihood in uganda a case study of kayunga district


This study examined the effects of land conflict on community livelihoods in Kayunga District. By focusing on the causes, effects and possible strategies/solutions to land conflict among residents of Kayunga District. The study employed descriptive and explanatory research designs with quantitative and qualitative approaches to data collection; simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to collect quantitative data from 315 respondents and qualitative data 56 local residents of Kangulumira Nazigo Kayonza Subcounties. Four (4) informants were included from the District Land Office, Buganda Land Board, District Land Survey Department and Ministry of Lands-Uganda using an open ended questionnaire and interview respectively. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 20.0. “Thematic Content Method” for quantitative and qualitative data analysis from respondents. Results showed that administrative, social, economic factors/causes were responsible for land conflict in Kayunga District. Negative effects existed for community livelihood due to land conflict and these were social, economic and developmental in nature. It was concluded that Land conflict in Kayunga District was due to high corruption, misuse/excessive use of powers by those in authority, failure to use conflict resolution strategies, lack of community senstisation about land, rights and freedoms and lack of independence by the court system in Uganda. The rich manipulate the laws and use Government resources to oppress the poor by causing evictions without compensation. Social (Loss of lives), economic (Increased poverty, unemployment and loss of land) affect the poor community members in term of livelihood with declining/low awareness of needs, quality and quantities of food production, education, skills in food production, household incomes, healthy livestock, improved nutrition, hygiene and sanitation in the community. Emphasis of win-win strategy, involvement of other stakeholders and use of community sensitization about land rights and freedoms were best options regarding addressing lad conflict in Kayunga District. It was recommended that formal court land dispute resolution systems, through the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs should institutionalise cost effective, less legalistic and user friendly adjudication procedures to enable justice be done before the poor people in the local areas among other recommendation.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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