assessment of records management practices in business associations: a case of private sector foundation uganda (psfu)


The aim of this study was to assess the records management practices at Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU). The objectives of the study were to; identify the different types of records created and stored, examine the current records management practices, identify the benefits derived from proper records management, identify the challenges associated with records management and examine the strategies for effective management of records at PSFU. The study used a case study research design while adopting qualitative research approaches in data collection. Purposive sampling was used to select the records manager, 2 records staff and 2 secretaries who participated in the study. Interviews and observation were used to collect the information for the study. The study established that the different types of records managed at PSFU were; financial records, administrative records, personnel records, legal records, and research records which exist both in paper and electronic formats. The different records management practices carried out at PSFU were; creation/receipt of records, classification of records, maintenance and use of records, file arrangement of records, processing of records, storage of records, appraisal of records and disposal of the records. The study also established that different benefits derived from proper records management at PSFU were; information resource for strategic planning purposes, administrative value, financial value, legal value and information value. The study also revealed the different challenges associated with records management at PSFU were; inadequate records management facilities, lack of records management skills the staff, inadequate funds, creation of different records formats and poor record keeping practices. The study established the different strategies for effective management of records at PSFU were; training of the records users, records management policy, restrictions on access to the records, make use of the records retention schedule and use of a computer based records management practices. The study concluded that records management was underestimated by the officials at PSFU thus the need for a records management policy and training all the staff to acquire records management skills. The study recommended further training of the records staff, formulation of records management policies, PSFU staff training and development in records management, involvement of all stakeholders in records management initiatives, expansion of storage space, promotion of tight security restrictions and measures and recruitment of qualified records personnel.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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