the contribution of broadcast media in the control of early marriage in namutumba district, eastern region: case study of 89.4 nbs fm jinja


This study investigated the contribution of broadcast media in the control of early marriage in Namutumba district eastern region .the study was guided by the specific objectives that is;  To find out the causes of early marriages.  To find out the challenges faced by people who engaged in early marriage.  To establish the contribution of broadcast media in controlling early marriages in Namutumba district in eastern region. The study was carried out in Namutumba district ,eastern region.50 respondents participated in the exercise .the target group were the listeners of NBS FM ,government officials ,the early married peoples. The survey applied both qualitative and quantitative research designs for data collection, interpretations and analysis .this research report was arranged in five chapters. The study came up with the following recommendations. Future researchers; this research report is recommended to be used for literature review .therefore future researchers may use it for records. The researcher was also recommended to submit the findings of this report as partial fulfillment of requirement of award of diploma in journalism of UBTEB. Government public officials; and policy makers and society at large may use these findings as a guide to design policies and laws and how the media can pattern with other to control early marriage in Namutumba district. Media fraternity; the media owners, agencies, journalists, commentators and the audience may benefit from these findings especially as regards to programming. Public accounts committee officials and society at large may use this findings as guide in making accountability of the government and public resources.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere school of commercial studies and media training wandegeya

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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