perceptions of medical services offered to multi drug resistant tuberculosis patients in government health facilities in masaka regional refferal hospital


The study was conducted to establish the perceptions of medical services offered to MDR TB patients in Masaka regional referral hospital. The study adopted five objectives that is; to assess the patients‟ understanding of multi drug resistance tuberculosis, to find out the patients‟ experiences while on treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis, to find out how patient got to know that had acquired multi drug resistance tuberculosis to examine the patients‟ understanding of the treatment and services Offered to them in Masaka hospital, to assess the patients‟ perceptions of the services offered to them in Masaka hospital. The study adopted a descriptive research design based on face to face interviews and document review to collect the data. The study found out that MDR TB is a dangerous disease acquired after the failure of first line tuberculosis drugs hence one becomes resistant to those drugs. It is transmitted through air and its treatment lasts 18 to 24 months with adverse effects where some are irreversible. The model of care and treatment depends on the patients needs although the ambulatory model is largely used. Patients narrated depraved experiences on treatment but are carrying on with the social, emotional and financial support rendered to them by the health team. The patients commended the health workers for the services delivered to them although some areas need to be improved so as to have an effective and efficient system of service delivery in the hospital and country at large. The study recommended continuous medical education to the health workers, supervision, more funds allocation to the program, more recruitment of staff and engage in more research to be able to come up with a shorter treatment regimen.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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