the prevalence of helminthic infections among the school children attending entebbe genral hospital wakiso district


Introduction: Soil transmitted helminthic infections are among the most common human infections. They are distributed throughout the world with high prevalence rates in tropical and sub-tropical countries mainly because of lack of adequate sanitary facilities, inappropriate waste disposal systems, lack of safe water supply, and low socio-economic status. The main objective was to determine the prevalence of the heminthic infections among the primary school children. Methods: The study was a descriptive cross sectional study employing both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed for quantitative data. The data collection tools were an interviewer administered questionnaires. A simple random sampling technique was used in the respondents. The data from the study was presented inform of frequency tables, figures and percentages. Results: The majority 36% of the primary school children were in the age group of 8-10, followed by 11-13, while 24% were in the age group of 5-7years and the least were in the age group 14years and above. 58% were female pupils and 42% of the pupils were males. The majority 64 percent of the primary school children on Microscopic investigations had helminthic infections. On stool examinations of pupils, it was observed that 53% based on the parent’s occupation was seen to be in those pupils whose parents were farmers and 7% traders while those whose parents are civil servants were less infected. In most of the responses, practices that facilitate the transmission of intestinal helminthes infections such as open defecation, unhygienic eating, drinking of unsafe water and non-use of footwear were mentioned more in the infected population. The majority 64% of the primary school children had helminthic infections and only 36% were found uninfected after medical laboratory investigations. Recommendation: Therefore I recommend that government should support the people in this area by providing good water scheme, construct water system type of toilet (water closet) and carryout awareness campaigns on the importance of deworming exercise on children in this area.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: chemequip laboratory training school

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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