the role of records management in the provision of quality services at moi university, eldoret, kenya


Records are valuable business assets. Effective and timely planning and decision making is highly dependent on the efficient provision of well organized records in a timely manner. Sound policies and just decision-making demand that information is collated, stored, managed, used and disclosed wisely and appropriately. Moi University has a problem in records management which is an essential component in quality service provision. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of records management in the provision of quality services at Moi University with a view to proposing a model that integrates sound records management and quality service provision. The specific objectives of the study were to: undertake a business process analysis of Moi University to establish the resultant records generated by these processes; assess the current state of records management at Moi University and how this has impacted on the quality of services provided by the University; establish the existence of a policy and regulatory framework for the management of records at the institution; determine the effects of ICTs on records management and service provision; determine the nexus between sound records management and quality service provision; and propose a model that integrates sound records management and quality service provision. The study was informed by the Integrated Records Management Model advanced by Roper and Millar and the Gap Model of Service Quality (Customer Experience Gap Model) by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. The study was qualitative in nature. Face to face interviews were used to collect data. Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the thirty three (33) respondents drawn from the main campus. Among the key findings of the study were that: the core business processes of Moi University generated records; sound records management is central in the attainment of all university business processes; policies on records management were not documented; records are inextricably linked to increased quality service provision. The study concluded that the poor state of records management negatively impacted on the quality of services provided and was equally an impediment to efficient and effective attainment of the university‘s business processes. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Moi University should formulate and implement policies in records management; and increase funding for records related activities. Lastly but not least, the study proposes a model that integrates sound records management and quality service provision.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2015

Institution: moi university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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