hotel front office practices and its impact on guest satisfaction: a case study of sheraton hotel in kampala district


This project was set to critically evaluate the front office practices and its impact on guest satisfaction at Sheraton hotel. The project presented a critical review of the literature and used interviews and questionnaires with front office supervisors, employees and guests at the hotel as its data collection method. The literature was concerned with three objectives: to find out how the reservation policies influence guest satisfaction at Sheraton hotel, to determine how the practice of checking in guests and out influence guest satisfaction and to find out how handlings of guest payments influence their satisfaction. The project used a sample size of five front office supervisors, ten employees and fifteen guests from Sheraton hotel in Kampala district. Data from questionnaires was analyzed quantitatively and data from interviews was analyzed qualitatively. The project then used the given data to determine whether front office practices influenced guest satisfaction. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that, there needed to be a defined scope for all members of front office staff. Finally, all results and analysis of the research were given properly in the conclusion. As well as suggestions for improvement were included into the conclusion part.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: ymca comprehensive insititute

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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