assessment of records disposal at islamic university in uganda (kampala campus)


The aim of the study in records disposal at Islamic University in Uganda was to identify and asses the mission and objectives of records disposal at Islamic University in Uganda with a purpose of identifying the weaknesses and recommending possible solutions. The objectives defined and elaborated what the topic of study was about and defer in various ways as follows; to identify the types or records created and stored at IUIU, to examine the disposal practices of records at IUIU, to find out the challenges faced during the disposal of records at IUIU and to suggest the strategies to improve on the disposal practices of records at IUIU. The study used a qualitative research approach while adopting a case study research design. Non-probability sampling includes; Accidental sampling, Quota Sampling and purposive sampling were used to select the respondents. Literature research method, observation method, and interview method were used to collect data from the records managers and the stores manager. The different categories of records kept at iuiu kampala compass were; students’ records, academic records, personnel records, financial records, construction records, community service records and transportation records. The methods of records disposal were; retention and disposal schedules, restrictions concerning burning and other forms or methods, the types of records to be destroyed, department responsible in carrying out disposition, environmental concerns and funds to be used. The benefits of the records disposition programme in the registry at IUIU Kampala were; provides space for the incoming records in the records office and the registry as well, avoids accumulation of records which brings difficulty in accessing and retrieving of required records like files, Brochures, mark sheets among others, it avoids unnecessary storage costs incurred by using office space to maintain records no longer needed by the organization, disposing of records in the IUIU registry helps in clearing the way for immediate destruction of records that are non-essential and helps in retaining records needed for the daily transaction of businesses for example financial records, student’s records among others among others. The challenges faced while disposing records of IUIU Kampala compass were; limited skilled personnel, limited funds, shortage of enough disposal equipments, limited space absence of a disposition authority and records disposal plan and limited storage space in records center. The suggestions to improve on the process of records disposal were; to come up with a fixed designed retention schedule for IUIU Kampala, endure to follow the considerations before disposing to avoid accidental disposal of records, providing protective wares like gum boots, helmets, gowns to be used when burning non-current records, providing more funds to cater for equipments used while disposing records, hiring professionals to perform the activity of disposing non-current records, construction of pits which are top covered to avoid polluting air and training of unskilled respondents about disposal of records.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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