health information dissemination among undergraduate students in zimbabwe with particular reference to the national university of science and technology: a study in developing an integrated framework for health information dissemination


University students in Zimbabwe lack immediate access to accurate health information. There is lack of explicit and integrated structures for disseminating health information to students in Zimbabwe. This inductive study proposes a needs-based, integrated information dissemination framework for promoting health amongst students at the National University and Science and Technology (NUST). The study assessed the health information needs of students and evaluated existing health information dissemination methods at NUST in developing a framework for disseminating health information. The study is informed by the Salutogenetic Theory of health which culminated into an integrated theoretical framework that combines information dissemination and behaviour change theories. A case study strategy was used to gather data within the pragmatic paradigm of grounded constructivism. The population comprised of undergraduate students, the Dean of Students, the Student Counsellor, and the Nursing Sister. Within-method triangulation with complementary data gathering instruments was used to improve reliability of data. Questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions were used to gather data. A sample of 426 students and 3 members of staff participated in the study. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis was used to determine the confounding factors that informed the design of the framework. The data was supplemented with health information dissemination principles and procedures drawn from literature. The findings reveal that students need health information on a wide range of health topics. Students prefer mobile electronic media, workshops, qualified health professionals, and peers for their health needs. There are significant gaps between the strategies that are being used by NUST to disseminate health information and the health information needs of the students. The university is using traditional information dissemination media and channels that are not in line with the needs of the students. NUST needs to use more interactive and ICT based information dissemination methods. There is also a need for staff recruitment, training and infrastructural development. The proposed framework emphasizes the need for integration of activities, a viable policy, health information literacy training and the use of a mix of persuasion techniques.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2015

Institution: university of cape town

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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