adoption of electronic record keeping for human resource management at the president’s office regional administration and local government, tanzania


This study provides understanding of the adoption of electronic record keeping for Human Resource Management in public organisations in Tanzania, specifically to examine how employee records are kept, to evaluate the level of adoption of electronic record keeping for human resource management and to examine the challenges facing PORALG in adopting electronic record keeping for human resource management. The study employed President‟s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government as a study area, whereby case study research design and qualitative approach were used in order to achieve the study objectives. A sample saize of 10 respondents was used. The findings were qualitatively analysed and presented. The findings revealed thatPORALG uses hard copy file, CDs and computers to keep internal recuitment records, and parts of external recruitment records from PSRS. Also, uses hard copy files, computer and then in Human Capital Management Information System (HCMIS) to keep performance appraisal records. Moreover, both hard copy files and computers have been used to keep employees‟ Training and Development records. However, PORALG has little fund and experts for supporting the use of electronic record keeping, for example there are 11 IT experts who are responsible for ensuring efficience of computers, reliable internet and the effectiveness in the transfer of employment records to POPSM. Based on findings for every research objective, the study concludes that PORALG adopted electronic record keeping for HRM to small extent, and it is in the transition from the three level (adoption stage) to fourth level (assimilation stage) of adopting electronic record keeping for human resource management, in view of the fact that electronic records at PORALG become a reliable tool for the human resource officers to accomplish few human resource functions; only promotion and compensation. It is still integrating hard copy and soft copy files in keeping employee records.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016

Institution: mzumbe university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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