attitudes of local communities towards benefits sharing scheme under collaborative forest management sango bay forest reserve, kakuuto sub-county kyotera district


Collaborative forest management is a dynamic approach to solve environmental social, economic and political issues among stakeholders including government, communities and national and international organizations form of participatory forest management. The overall objectives were to evaluate the contribution of collaborative forest management to local incomes and condition of the forest. Specific objectives were, to access the socio-economic benefits obtained by local communities before collaborative forest management and after collaborative forest management and to assessment of the condition of selected and non-selected CFM forest blocks in Sango bay forest reserve. Data was collected using field observation, structured and semi structured interviews and forest sampling. A total of 60 respondents were interviewed, a structured questionnaire was randomly administered to local people within the study villages while forest degradation was conducted with NFA field staff, local councils and community based organization leaders. A Field observation was made in homesteads for tangible products harvested from forest. Illegal forests activities were recorded by walking through the forest transact. Analysis of data was done using Microsoft excel and SPSS computer program. House hold cash income was computed to show the contribution of CFM to the incomes of the participating communities, means of structural attributes of seedlings, supplies, trees, was computed to compare the condition of a forest within and without CFM.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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