record keeping and performance of small scale enterprises a case study of hill top poultry farm in jinja district


The study concerns the record keeping and performance of small scale enterprises. The study was carried out in hill top poultry farm in Jinja district The main focus of the study was to establish as to whether record keeping affects the performance of an enterprises. The study was carried out on 20 respondents and with the help of self administered questionnaires and personal interviews, primary and Secondary data was collected using questionnaires and reviewing the existing literature. The findings revealed that record keeping practices and process increase the costs of production thus affecting the performance and growth. However the study also revealed that record keeping is a vital practice in business management because it facilitates accountability process, proper management and decision making. Recommendations made include; A basic record keeping system, whether on paper or an off- shelf computer software program, should be simple to use, easy to understand, reliable, accurate, and consistent and designed to provide information on a timely basis.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2011

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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